Sunday, November 3, 2019

GRNS403 Grains Industry Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

GRNS403 Grains Industry Systems - Essay Example proving, grain production is still dominated by a group of same area farming activities while deregulation in 2008, grain selling, sales and exportation sectors have undergone major restructuring. The resources demanding nature of infrastructure facilitating storing, transportation and exportation shows that by few key players (Kirsten, Lorna, Paolo, Andrew & Alberta Velimirov 2005) Commencing from the garden to make wheat flour, wheat is changed into a shelf-stable product through processing. The complex series of steps, which is both time-tested and highly scientific, starts the process that the grain is harvested and taken to a processing machine. Through nowadays technology and processing process, the individual kernels are kept, sorted, cleaned, ground, bleached, enriched and or equipped before being stored awaiting distribution. Once is done, the end product is used is to make variety of foods, including breads, pasta and pastries (Bonjean & Angus 2001). Before wheat processing commences, it has a sometimes-long procedures from the field to processing plant. It is harvested from the farm in covered trucks or rails motors. In some cases it travels adversely distances; in other cases, from one geographical area to another. When it reaches destination it is inspected and sampled water content, test mass, unfit kernels and far-off material. Based on the outcome from the tests, it is resolute how the wheat is treated, handled and kept until processing. After this, wheat is transported to silos for safekeeping, where warmth and water content control keep it fresh until the time of manufacturing (Kirsten, Lorna, Paolo, Andrew & Alberta Velimirov 2005) `The grain starts the processing procedure by entering the set of machines that clean it (cleaning house). This process involves as many as 6 steps and involves removing foreign matter that may be present in the wheat as well as processing it ready for processing. This process uses a magnetic separator, aspirator

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