Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Operations Management Definition - 1014 Words

Operations Management Definition Introduction In today s fast-paced ever-changing business world, organizations must deal with many diverse issues. These issues range from maintaining their competitive edge in a fierce marketplace to social, ethical and concerns regarding the health and well being of their employees. The advent of new technologies has created organizational efficiencies however; it is a well-known fact that healthcare has lagged behind other industries with regard to automation. Healthcare is being asked to provide high quality care with increased efficiency yet the patient population believes they are not receiving quality care. McCleave (1996) states that health care managers should look to manufacturing†¦show more content†¦This can be accomplished by instituting processes to get patients in to see the respective provider in a timely manner, and addressing all of the issues in an individual encounter. McCleave (1996) documents other methods to increase productivity and quality in th e healthcare setting. One would be to create an environment where the physician does only what he needs to do. This means that physicians need to shed duties that can be handled efficiently and in a cost effective manner by ancillary personnel, registered nurses or physician s assistants. Office efficiency is another area where improvements are possible. Processes should be evaluated as they relate to patient encounters and non-value adding steps should be eliminated. When one considers all the aforementioned possibilities for increasing efficiency it is very likely healthcare will not only realize cost savings but will be able to provide quality healthcare to the patient population thereby reducing the possibility of patients returning to the office on an emergent basis. Conclusion Operations management is as stated by Henderson is an evolutionary position that is needed for healthcare to prosper. Healthcare it is in a state of enormous change and is faced with economic, regulatory, technological and consumer pressures that must be addressed in order for the industry to fulfill its mission. Operations management will play an integral role in healthcareShow MoreRelatedOperation Management Definition Paper921 Words   |  4 PagesOperation Management Definition Paper The purpose of this paper is to describe the importance of operations management to a health care organization. In addition, the author of this paper will provide a personal definition of what operations management means and why is important to a healthcare organization. According to the Institute of Operations Management The cost of providing fast, reliable health care is always an emotive issue, but it has been brought to the fore again via theRead MoreThe Conception Of Operation Management1521 Words   |  7 Pagesabout the conception of operation management, and history of operation management. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Alienation And What Effect It Has On Contemporary Society...

Introduction It has been argued that Karl Marx theory of alienation has lost relevance in contemporary society when understanding the relationship of the individual worker in a capitalist society. It is this statement being proposed by several sociologists who believe alienation being an empty statement in relation to contemporary society. However like many other sociological concepts this one is still contested which is why I will explore the theory of alienation and what effect it has on contemporary society, and argue that Marx’s theory of alienation still applies to the process of the owners of production exploiting the working classes. I will start by looking into the four different dimensions of alienation and how these relate to Marx’s critique of capitalist society, then relating this concept to modern society. the four dimensions of alienation Alienation as a definition was initially conflicted as it has very different meanings such as the English definition defines alienation as to turn away the feelings of someone or to transfer an individual’s property Affine, Y. H. (1997). Alienation has been described as a lack of â€Å"self-actualisation† (ester, 1985, p. 77) which results in a non-satisfaction of needs in an individual however this is vague because there are a variety of basic human needs that need to be satisfied. While others went further to say that alienation is when an individuals is lacking in self-worth which leadsShow MoreRelatedThe Between Class And Alienation1655 Words   |  7 PagesWhat are the links between Class and Alienation According to Marx? 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Marx had been banished from Germany for his critical thinking, and moved to England where he had become a communistRead MoreThe Claims Put Forth By Henry Giroux1603 Words   |  7 Pagesthe increasingly negative effects of neoliberalism, and as he calls it casino capitalism, across the world, particularly in the realm of education, and juxtapose them with various Marxist theories, displaying how the latter can be accurately applied in a thorough analysis of the former. More specifically, I will demonstrate how Marx’s theories dealing with Domination, Alienation, and Historical Materialism aptly tie to Giroux’s assertions. Giroux claims that the contemporary education system discouragesRead MoreWhat Is Distinctive And Modern Society?1483 Words   |  6 Pages What is distinctive about ‘modern’ society? Before discussing what is distinctive about ‘modern’ society it is important to get a working definition of what is meant by ‘modern’. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Does The Truth Always Set You Free free essay sample

? Essay, Research Paper On the Waterfront is a authoritative, award-winning and controversial movie. It received eight academy-awards in 1954, including best-picture and manager. The manager, Eliza Kazan, in coaction with Budd Schulberg wrote the movie? s screenplay. Based on existent dockside events in Hoboken, New Jersey, On the Waterfront is a narrative of a dock worker who tried to subvert a corrupt brotherhood. Marlon Brando wonderfully portrays the character of Terry Malloy. He is a immature ex-prize combatant, now a dock worker given easy occupations because his brother is the right-hand adult male of the corrupt brotherhood boss Johnny Friendly. After Terry inadvertently allows himself to be used in puting up a adult male? s decease, he starts to oppugn the basic premises if his life. This includes his trueness to his brother and Johnny, who after all ordered him to take a honkytonk in his large battle at Madison Square Garden. The movie? s contention exists in the fact that Terry decides to attest against Johnny Friendly. His testimony efforts to demo how it is basically right to interrupt group silence in a tough state of affairs, even if a individual appears to? rat? on his friends. To be at peace with oneself, Kazan seems to state, one must state the truth, despite the fact that one will confront banishment, and, as in the movie, likely be murdered. Kazan makes the adversities of attesting distressingly clear. Therefore, Brando? s character is a hero. However, a dark docket exists behind the movie? s secret plan. On the Waterfront was made in 1954, two old ages after Kazan volitionally testified before the House Un-american Activities Committee. In 1952, Kazan named the names of eight friends and colleges allegedly affiliated with the Communist party. Kazan was an active member of the Communist party in the 1930s, until he went through a violent interruption with the party prior to the hearings. He sai d that communism could overrule a individual? s mind and beliefs. He besides stated that Hollywood and Broadway to a great extent financed the party. Telling his determination to attest, Kazan said, ? Communists were in a batch of organisations # 8211 ; unobserved, unrecognised, unbeknownst to anybody. I thought if I don? t talk, cipher will cognize about it. ? On the Waterfront is Kazan? s justification for his determination to attest. In the movie, when a brotherhood foreman cries, ? You ratted on us Terry, ? Brando shouts back: ? Possibly from where your standing, but I? m standing over here now. I was rattin? on myself all those old ages. I didn? t even cognize it. ? That reflects Kazan? s belief that communism was an evil that temporalty seduced him and it was necessary to oppose it. Since Kazan believed that communism was an evil menace to the American manner of life, he tried to portray his determination to attest as a heroic act of heroism. He wanted to demo the populace th at a individual who testifies is brave, non a coward. Throughout the movie there are a figure of mentions to the codification of silence, ? D n? D? , or? Deaf and Dumb. ? This means that no affair how wretched the fortunes are, a individual neer rats. The brotherhood hoods make a gag about the male child pushed off a edifice because he threatened to speak to the offense committee, therefore interrupting the sacred codification of D n? Calciferol: ? A fink. Possibly he could sing but he couldn? T fly. ? Kazan has one character, in peculiar, emphasize the importance of talking out in life. Father Barry believes that the truth will ever put a individual free. He says, There? s one thing we? ve got in this state and that? s ways of fightin? back. Gettin? facts to the populace. Testifying for what you know is right and what you know is incorrect. What? s rattin? to them is stating the truth for you. Can? t you see that? Can? t you see that? This citation is an illustration of Kazan shouting out to the populace for forgiveness. Later in the movie, Kazan tries even harder to derive credence, as there is an obvious analogue between his ain testimony and Terry Malloy? s. In the courtroom scene, Terry Malloy turns? stoolie? and betrays Friendly throughout his testimony. He tells the tribunal that, on the dark governments discovered the organic structure, person pushed Joey Doyle from the roof. He states that he was the last individual to see him alive, ? except for the two hoods that murdered him. ? Terry testifies that, after the slaying, he went instantly to the Friendly Bar, where he expressed his feelings about the slaying to Mr. Friendly. Terry is a hero because he made it possible for honest work forces to work at the docks, with occupation security and peace of head. However, Terry? s battle is merely get downing. Friendly sums up Terry? s supposed destiny with one sentence, ? You? ve merely delve your ain grave. ? After the test, Terry? s friends refuse to speak to him and he does non receive work. Neighborhood friend Tommy kills Terry? s pet pigeons on the rooftop. Tommy tosses the dead bird at Terry and cries, ? A pigeon for a pigeon. ? Peoples deride him and banish him as a? canary. ? In interviews, Kazan discusses his designation with the Brando character. ? A batch of that sort of thing happened to me after I testified at HUAC, † said Kazan. I was snubbed. Peoples I knew good would look at me but non speak. People looked down on me. They couldn? T except the fact that right or falsely it was something I did out of principle. ? After the release of On the Waterfront, Kazan was unfastened about his hidden motivations, baronial and black, to do the movie. The scene near the terminal of film, when Terry shouts to Friendly, ? You? re a inexpensive, icky, soiled stinkin? mug. And I? m glad what I? ve done to you, ? disturbed some people. Critics interpreted this to intend that Kazan was non regretful for his severely detrimental testimony. It appeared that he had no compunction for his actions. For other viewing audiences, the inhumed docket of On the Waterfront tarnishes the image. The critic John Rosenbaum told Roger Ebert that he could? Never forgive Kazan for utilizing the movie to warrant himself. ? In ulterior old ages, Kazan did finally hold compunction for the people whose lives he ruined and the blemish his testimony left on the whole movie industry. In his 1988 autobiography he says, ? I have some declinations about the human cost of it. One cat I told on I truly like a lot. ? Twenty old ages subsequently, unlike On the Waterfront? s winning stoping, in Kazan? s image The Visitor, a adult male besides testifies against former friends ; nevertheless, that film ends on a note of desperation. Possibly the words of a legendary character he helped to make, haunted Kazan. As Terry Malloy said, ? Conscience. That material can drive you nuts. ? 34d

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Joggers Universe free essay sample

Introduction Sue Koenig opened the Joggers Universe retail store in 1987 at the age of 24. For the last 10 years she has mainly offered the sale of high-end running shoes, walking shoes, shoes for aerobic exercise, basketball shoes, tennis shoes, and crosstrainers, with the emphasis on Nike brands. Nike’s superior promotion strategy and name brand recognition has allowed her to maintain good steady sales, with a $5 to $7 premium on every pair of shoes sold. She also has offered the sale of sportswear with the focus on fashion as well as function. As a formerly nationally ranked runner, her passion for running and fitness has allowed her to stay abreast of exercise trends and allowed her to stay competitive in her chosen market. Issue The issue facing Sue Koenig and Joggers Universe is that despite her on-hand knowledge of running and exercise trends, access to superior name brand products and fashions, and her healthy profit margins, her overall sales have flattened out. We will write a custom essay sample on Joggers Universe or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She appears to have been able to capitalize on the jogging and fitness trends in the market growth stage, when there were relatively few competitors, and total industry profits were at their peak. Now that the fitness industry as a whole has entered the market maturity stage with the maximum amount of direct competitors, her business has begun to suffer. Root Cause The sales at Joggers Universe have faltered due to many factors: 1 – The primary cause for her loss of market share is due to the fact that her current, long-term customers are getting older, and have found that jogging has become too demanding for them, and as a whole are switching to low-stress exercise programs. The merchandise that Joggers Universe offers no longer meets the demands of her loyal clientele, and so they have begun to shop elsewhere. On the other hand, when Sue attempted to change her product lines to accommodate this loyal but dwindling customer base, she found that her sales to younger, hardcore runners began to suffer. Clearly, this trend cannot be allowed to continue, as she will not be meeting the specific needs of any market segment. 2 Due to changes in consumer culture and activity, younger people are exercising less, and are likely to use their casual day-to-day shoes as their exercise shoes. As such, there are many department, discount, and regular stores that offer these types of shoes, and customers can buy them without paying a premium. Increased competition from other retailers has cut into her bottom line. In addition to Wal-Mart offering an extended assortment of athletic shoes at deep discounts, Joggers Universe faces competition from Foot Locker, who offers basically the same kind of products as she does. A number of local retail chains have opened that offer lower-quality and lower-cost versio ns of her products, and she also faces increased competition from online retailers. Alternatives A – Made-to-order high-performance athletic shoes Sue may want to consider revisiting a sales strategy she attempted in 2003 and change her business structure to providing expensive, made-to-order, high-performance athletic shoes. This product line incorporated new technology that was used to capture the specific contours of a person’s feet, which was then sent back to the manufacturer by UPS. The customer was able to choose which style they preferred, and in two weeks the shoes were delivered. The company that provided this service unfortunately went out of business, but Sue discovered another company that provided the same service. The main advantage and disadvantage of this alternative is that this will require Sue to change which market segment that she will be promoting to. The segment of customers that Joggers Universe will be focusing on will be serious exercise enthusiasts, who are also more affluent in their spending habits. The downside of this is that it will require Sue to discover how to find and market to this new clientele. It will also require her to abandon a large percentage of her current customer base. Since these customers are mostly abandoning high-impact exercise programs and their product needs are changing, this is an acceptable tradeoff. Although it seems that the runners market seems to be shrinking, this problem can be addressed with the addition of more expensive ancillary products that these more affluent customers will be interested in buying in addition to these expensive, premium shoes. Stocking accessories such as heart rate monitors, like the Forerunner 301 [1] which retails for $199. 99, and runners watches like the Ironman Race Trainer [2] which retails for $150. 00 will appeal to the elite athlete that Joggers Universe will hope to attract. She could also stock expensive, high quality running outfits. Since these customers are generally interested in their health and wish to stay in peak condition, Sue should consider aligning herself with a multilevel marketing company (MLM) that offers health supplements in order to earn extra revenue. An advantage of moving in this direction is that the company that will be providing Sue with these specialty shoes is willing to grant exclusive distribution rights for her territory, which would help to keep the prices for product in control, and would keep other retailers from copying her strategy. This company is also responsible for the warehousing of these shoes, which would save money for her in terms of storing and managing unsold merchandise. The largest challenge that Sue would face if she were to pursue this strategy is in informing customers that this market exists, since this type of product is in the market introduction stage. She would have to establish a website for her store that promotes how the ordering process and production of these shoes works (this would be outsourced to a reliable web production company). She would also require her employees to go through a two-day training program for her new sales practices, including how to make the molds for the shoes and explaining their benefits. She would also have to develop a new advertising campaign that would be published in more upscale local publications that caters to the more affluent types of customers that Sue hopes to attract. B Incorporate Women’s fashionable athletic, casual wear and dress shoes This alternative incorporates two different approaches, and would allow Sue to maintain her current customer base while expanding her product lines in subtle ways. Firstly, she would retain her current product line and incorporate new women’s athletic wear and casual wear lines from designers like Donna Karan, Calvin Klein, Georgio Armani, and Ralph Lauren. This will allow her to get into a sales trend that is still in the market growth stage, where there are few major competitors. The main advantage of this alternative is that it allows Sue to maintain her loyal customer base that she has spent years building. Bringing in new and exciting fashions shows her customers that she cares about them, and would like to keep them. The second part of this strategy involves dedicating a small but growing section of her store to stocking lines of dress and office wear shoes. This strategy deviates away from the original concept of Joggers Universe, but will allow Sue to retain her aging customer base that is largely moving away from high-impact exercise programs, and are generally exercising less. Incorporating this strategy will not require Sue to drastically change her business structure, and as such she will be able to retain all her current employees, and only provide minimal amounts of new training. The main disadvantages of this alternative includes the fact that it does not really provide much in terms of differentiating Joggers Universe from other local retailers that offer essentially the same kinds of products. In attempting to hold on to her loyal customer base, she increases the chance of losing sales to other retailers, especially behemoths like Wal-Mart, who can offer running, exercise, and dress shoes for cheaper prices. Sue will have to begin aggressively advertising in local publications and periodicals to showcase her new and current product lines. She also may be forced to preemptively drop her retail prices in order to stay competitive in this increasingly crowded market. Furthermore, if Sue is to begin offering dress and office wear shoes, she will be required to establish a new distribution channel with a reliable middleman company. Recommendation Although it would be nice for Sue to be able to stay with her loyal customer base that she has held on to for many years, the business strategy outlined in Alternative B can only be maintained for so long. Attempting to keep these customers happy at the expense of further growth is the real cause of her problems. She potentially runs the future risk of losing any new customers and eventually all of her business to lower cost retailers offering essentially the same types of products that Joggers Universe offers, without the added cost of a premium price. It is recommended that Sue change her business strategy to selling the products outlined in Alternative A immediately. Implementation Sue should proceed by blowing out her current inventory with a massive discount sale. If she has a reverse channel in place with her suppliers that will buy back merchandise that she has been unable to sell, she would definitely utilize that. If she has been keeping a list of long-standing customers, she should consider sending out a mass mailing thanking them for their continued loyalty, but explaining that she will be closing her doors for a reorganizing. Of course, she should invite these customers back for her eventual re-opening, should they be interested in her new product lines. After this, it is simply a matter of scaling back her operation and bringing in her new products and processes. Since Joggers Universe will be offering smaller and limited product lines, she will no longer require to as large a store area, so she should let her lease expire and move into a smaller store.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Descendants of Sedere

The Descendants of Sedere The Descendants of Sedere The Descendants of Sedere By Mark Nichol Sit and its past-tense form sat, as well as set, settle, and seat, are cognates from Old English of the Latin verb sedere, meaning â€Å"sit.† The more or less disguised direct descendants of that term are listed and briefly defined in this post. Words derived from a Latin verb stemming from sedere and meaning â€Å"sit beside† (originally pertaining to an official who assists a judge) include the verb assess, which means â€Å"estimate property value for taxation purposes† (the noun form is assessment); the adjective assiduous, meaning â€Å"showing great care†; and the noun assize, meaning â€Å"court session.† The noun and verb size, meaning â€Å"physical extent† and â€Å"arrange by size† respectively, among other things, is derived from assize. To sedate is to calm or settle, the adjective sedate means â€Å"calm or settled,† the adjective sedative denotes â€Å"tending to calm or settle,† and a sedative is something that calms or settles, especially a drug. Sedan, originally the word for a chair attached to poles so it can be carried, was later applied to an enclosed automobile. Sedentary means â€Å"settled,† â€Å"physically inactive,† or â€Å"permanently attached.† (Sessile is a synonym for the latter sense, or means â€Å"directly attached to the base.†) Sederunt, taken directly from Latin, refers to an extended seated discussion. Sediment denotes material that settles to the bottom of a body of liquid, such as sedimentary rock; sedimentation is the process of formation of this type of rock. Session, meaning â€Å"a meeting or series of meetings,† or â€Å"a period of instruction,† and sà ©ance, the word for a session at which communication with the spirit world is attempted, refer to sitting, while dissident, describing someone who disagrees with or opposes the status quo, literally means â€Å"one who sits apart.† Reside means â€Å"dwell† or â€Å"live,† and preside means â€Å"govern† (literally, â€Å"sit before†); the noun forms are resident and president, and the adjectival forms are residential and presidential. Subside (literally, â€Å"sit down†) means â€Å"settle,† â€Å"sink,† â€Å"decrease,† or â€Å"descend,† and the act or condition of subsiding is subsidence. A subsidy, meanwhile, is a money grant; the literal meaning of the word, â€Å"sit near,† suggests the support a grant provides. Obsess originally meant â€Å"besiege† but now refers to unrelenting attention to someone or something; the adjectival form is obsessive, and an instance of obsessing is an obsession. Siege itself means â€Å"a military blockade† and, by extension, â€Å"a serious or sustained attack.† Insidious, stemming from the idea of sitting in ambush, means â€Å"deceitful.† Possess means â€Å"have and hold,† and the adjectival and noun forms are possessive and possession. To supersede is to replace or set aside; surcease, a descendant of supersede’s Latin forebear by way of Old French, means â€Å"cease† as a verb and, as a noun, refers to an act of desisting. To beset is to harass or surround, or to ornament by setting or studding something with smaller objects, such as jewels in a crown. Similarly, to inset is to insert something into something else so that it can be seen, and an inset is something so treated, or a channel or the act of flowing in. Cosset, meaning â€Å"caress† or â€Å"pamper,† may come from an Old English word that means â€Å"cottage dweller† (in the sense of one who raises animals as pets). See, the word for the location or authority of a high-ranking clergyman (distinct from see as it pertains to vision), is from a Latin word related to sedere that pertains to a seat. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Masters Degree or Master's Degree?80 Idioms with the Word Time25 Favorite Portmanteau Words

Friday, November 22, 2019

Marketing Ethics Essay Sample

Marketing Ethics Essay Sample Marketing Ethics Essay Marketing has been an aggressive culture for companies and organizations to promote their products and services. In this way, employees are tasked to advertise their products that are available on the market to be purchased by interested buyers. For this reason, the asset and the liability management of the operating institution enhance the credibility of the marketing accessibility of the company to become more efficient. An advertisement is visibly seen in mass media platforms because every organization wants to increase their product or service exposure to their target markets, which seeks to ensure that the value of their commodities is highly trusted by the potential consumers. Regulating marketing practices is one way of controlling unethical practices with regard to advertisement because it values the trust and mechanism of the government to become functional. Ethics in marketing is involved with the fair advertisement of products and commodities to the target market. In this case, companies should be aware that they should promote their product that does not cause offensive remarks against the public. Examples are profanity, pornography, hate speech, discriminatory, derogatory, and illegal actions that corrupts the minds of the viewers or the target markets. There are numerous regulating agencies around the world that are monitoring the advertisement campaigns of companies promoting their product. This is to ensure that the quality of the product is seen to be trustable by the target markets, which makes it interesting for the target markets to try the product. Any unacceptable advertisements are usually taken down by the mass media in order to prevent conflicting interests that degrade the dignity of the consumers or the target markets due to inappropriate promotional strategies of the company. In order to regulate a certain campaign, monitoring agencies and authorities collaborate with each other to ensure that there is a fair promotional campaign for companies who want to promote their product. There are set of rules and regulations mandated by both local and international regulating agencies for advertisers to limit their campaign so that it will not cause any invasion of interest and conflicting of ideas to the consumer. Marketing campaigns have limitations with regard to the time of exposure. This also applied to social media websites wherein there is certain duration for every product that is promoted by the advertisers to ensure that the interest of the target markets is ensured. A company needs to show their interest by means of displaying acceptable photos, videos, and content to the public that promotes an acceptable advertisement campaign. Since competition in the market is now becoming stronger, advertising agencies offer lower prices for companies or individuals who want to promote their product to their target consumers. Pricing strategy is an important ethical structure because it values the price that is compatible with the pricing structure and the quality of advertisement that is offered to companies or any interested party. In this regard, the structure of target marketing using acceptable ethical norms will guide advertisers and consumers to ensure that their product is promoted in a legal and ethical way. Products are categorized according to their function because it prevents confusion and a conflict of interest to the target markets whenever they are looking for a product or service to render. In this case, having an acceptable marketing campaign becomes relevant for every consumer who wants to try the product (Cools Gielen, 2014). Reference Cools, Guy Gielen, Pascal (2014). The Ethics of Art. Valiz: Amsterdam

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Week 2 Productivity Ctrl and Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Week 2 Productivity Ctrl and - Essay Example Productive Activity Control (PAC) involves the conversion of plans into actions, revising the plans and actions intended to achieve the desired results and the report of the achieved results. PAC system, therefore, demands suitable prior planning of materials, orders, the personnel and the capacity requirements. PAC system manages materials, equipments and resources properly according to delivery or allocated time for specific orders (Adam & Sammon, 2003). PAC has three major functions which include order dispatching, release and progress reporting. Dispatching involves activation of orders according to the original plans, which can be affected by I/O control, queue management or the principles and techniques of prior control. Dispatching decision helps in managing queue length, lead-time, the scheduled order completion and work center idle time. Material Requirements Planning is the system essential in avoidance of the missing parts. MRP establishes a priority plan highlighting the require components at all levels of assembly according to lead times where it calculates the time when the components will be required. MRP has two main objectives which include requirement’s determination and keeping the priorities updated. The main aim of MRP system is to acquire right materials in desired quantities at the appropriate time in order to meet product’s demand of the firm. The MRP system should also be capable of expediting, changing, delaying, and deleting orders because of the daily changes of demand and supply. The feedback effects from PAC to MRP include warning signals and status information. Warning signals assists in material and capacity plans. MRP system should be fed with the plan and control of raw materials while in processing state (Adam & Sammon, 2003). Lead time is the overall period needed to produce an item, including queue time, order preparation time, move time, setup time, inspection time, run

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Models of Decision-Making Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Models of Decision-Making - Research Paper Example The Classical model of decision making can be utilized in the organization to make various business decisions (Li 1). This is a prescriptive method of decision making and assumes that managers are rational and logical in their decision making process and their decision will be governed by the best interests of the organization. My organization recently purchased new manufacturing equipments. The main problem was increasing costs of servicing the old machine, low output and raw materials wastage during the manufacturing process. The management made the decision by following the classical model since the purchase decision was rational. The management followed a clear sequential process of analyzing the costs involved in servicing the previous equipment and associated benefits (Li 2). The management also conducted a cost-benefit analysis of the new equipments by factoring all associated costs and expected output to the organization. The management also considered other alternatives incl uding upgrading the previous equipment or leasing the equipment from a third party. After the rational and sequential analysis of the decision criteria, the management found it prudent and reasonable to purchase the new equipment instead of upgrading or leasing one from third parties. The management later bought the new machine and made a follow up to ensure it met the objectives of the decision (Li 3). The administrative model is also refereed as the behavioral model or neoclassical model. There are numerous factors which determine how a problem or decision can be classified in to the classical model, administrative and political model. For the classical model, the decisions or problems will be classified in this model if the decision aims at accomplishing a particular well-known goal (Ayobami 1). The logical criteria for making the decision should be economic interest and the decision maker should be rational. There must be conditions of certainty including

Sunday, November 17, 2019

How to Survival Middle School Essay Example for Free

How to Survival Middle School Essay Graduating elementary school is an exciting mile stone, but then comes middle school. Middle school is a very tough place for most people. Hormones start to kick in and work load gets amplified. Drama takes over the school and learning how to balance it all is a skill. With these new emotions its difficult to balance both friends, relationships, and school work. There are a lot of new challenges a student has to take on, but with a few key tips, middle school may be a bit easier to get through. 1. Always Smile- By smiling you are putting out a positive attitude. When one meets a person who is smiling they are more likely to be smiling to. A smile gives you a more approachable feel and can help you make friends easier. If you have a sad or stern face people wont be as intrigued to come talk to you. 2. Pay Attention in Class- There is so much going on in a middle schoolers life at home and with friends its hard to stay focused. Making sure you listen in class is a big part of doing well in middle school. It is easy to get distracted but you need to remember the reason your at school is to learn. Everything going forward, build upon itself so if your mind is somewhere else you just be confused later on. 3. Prioritize- When entering middle school, friendships change. Play dates stop happening and going out starts. Boyfriends and Girlfriends begin to happen. With your mind focused on new relationships as well as home life, it is easy to stop focusing on school. Doing homework as well as projects before going to spend time with friends is important. Waiting till the last minute doesnt work if you want a good grade. By getting your work done first, it is more likely to be done well and when your with your friends you wont have the stress of having undone work. 4. Dont Tell Unless Asked- People love to talk about themselves! Try your hardest to just listen. As much as you may not care, it will bring you and the person closer. DO NOT tell others what people confide in you, or all trust will be gone, along with any secrets at all. If someone asks you a question, be honest, but try not to talk about yourself. In middle school opinions change quickly and you dont want to say something you will regret. 5. Dont Talk Badly About Others- Day to day your thoughts, views, and opinions change on your life around you. By talking badly about someone you make your self look bad. Also if you talk about to many people, your friends will begin to think you talk about them too. Great way to loose friends. In middle school your friends with someone one day and not the next. Stupid arguments happen more often than not and if someone finds out what you said about them (they most likely will, because everyone in middle school has a big mouth) your relationship with them can take a turn for the worse. If you wouldnt want them to say it about you, dont say it about them. 7. Plan- Make plans with friends a few days in advance. You still have to come up with the place and time as well as who is going. You want to give your self enough time to ask you parents and get it approved. Nothing worse than having everything planned out, and them mom and dad saying no. 8. Ignore the Drama- In middle school word spreads fast. Monday you will be focused on something completely different than on Wednesday. People are catty and looking for attention, do your best to stay out of it. People will be mean, and if you give them a reaction, you encourage them to continue to do it. By ignoring what they say they quickly get bored, and move on to someone else. Realize that what ever they say has nothing to do with you, their just trying to raise their ego and self esteem by putting someone else down. Dont let it get to you and go on as if they werent there.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Sufism Essay -- essays research papers

Sufism   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sufism, otherwise known as Islamic Mysticism, is a branch of Islam. It deals with special powers that are contained in the Qur'an. It is a more philosophical approach, where a person tries to become one with nature, and feel the power of God. The term mysticism can be defined as the consciousness of the One Reality -- be it called Wisdom, Light, Love or Nothing. (Shcimmel 23)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A Sufi tries to unite his will with God's will. They try to isolate themselves, so they can fear and become close to God. By isolating themselves, a Sufi tries to stay away from politics and public affairs, so as too not get corrupted. The Sufi's path is a path of love, to be thankful of all God's bounties. Many Sufi's try to help individuals in trouble. They use special powers, which enable them to help people who are suffering. Of course this power can only be given by God, and Sufi's in no way equal to God's power. In fact, Sufi's that claim to be at the same level of God cannot be classified as a Muslim. (Frager 11)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sufi's stress love, because they believe that love will help you in the Day of Judgement. That the people who you truly love, will give you their good deeds, so that you may enter Paradise. Normally these people who give their good deeds away are known as dervishes (this is quite different from the belief in Islam).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sufi's also stress the remembrance of God, which is called Zikr. They try to get close to God, to be one with God. They define God as something that is close to you but you can't see it. That God is all around us, but His presence is too overwhelming to see. An example is like fish who is in water. The fish can't really see the water, even though it is all around the fish. Once a person realizes the presence of God, he or she will feel closer to God. (Frager 27)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sufi's believe that God remains hidden, so that people don't complain to Him (this however is not an Islamic belief). In Islam, God's presence isn't seen, because He has too much power for the human eyes to see. Sufi's also believe that pain increases the devotion to God. To get close to God, one must experience pain. To suffer pain is a true test of faith. Life becomes a test for that person, and if he or she remains close to God, then he or s... ...o temptation. A Sufi must have a strong will and be able to control their inner soul (nafs). This also part of the reason why they isolate themselves, so they do not get tempted by any worldly desires. A Sufi's outside appearance should represent his inner soul. If a person does commits a sin then he/she must repent to God, and ask for forgiveness. If a Sufi sees a fault in someone else, then he should correct. It is a Sufi's duty to correct other people and help them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  These beliefs are followed by many Sufi's around the world. All aspect of Sufism are considered Islamic, unless the basic principles of Islam are broken. These basic principles are found in the Qur'an and also in the hadith. Anything else added to the religion is called bidah, and is not accepted in Islam. Sufism deals with a whole other side of Islam, a part which deals with mystical powers and mysteries (some of which are not meant to be understood, that is only for God to know). To understand these powers and mysteries are very difficult and take a great deal of studying and self searching. But when one taps into these mystical powers, that person opens a door of unlimited knowledge.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Differences Between CPA Board Passers and Non-Passers

Being a student opens a lot of opportunities in life. Living in the Philippines, we have every right to choose what we want to do with our life. Choosing our friends, socializing with people, going to college, choosing a program, etc. – we can have it our way. A lot of students nowadays are choosing Accountancy as their program in universities. There are many privileges in this program since money is associated. We get knowledge of how money works in every business firms in the world.This is not an easy program. In fact, it is one of the most challenging one in the world, but the real challenge is finishing the now 5-year program and passing the CPA Board Exam. It is just not enough to graduate with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. As the society demands, those who graduated BS Accountancy must first take up the Board Exam to see if they are really qualified with the job of an accountant. If you pass the Licensure Exam, you will now be called Certified Public Ac countant.Passing the exam requires a minimum of seventy-five percent examination rate and will be entitled to registration as Certified Public Accountant provided that every subject does not have a rating of less than sixty-five percent. There are no more requirements to fulfill after you passed the exam. After graduating and passing the Licensure Exam, CPA’s will have to practice their profession for at least three years before they become Registered Certified Public Accountant.Working in the industry with low starting income is normal for beginners, but as time passes by, there is a chance for the increase in salary and income if you worked hard in your job. Attending seminars is also helpful since it helps you gain more knowledge which you haven’t acquired yet when you were still studying your program, like money and many topics involving the use of it in the industry. Those people who did not pass the Board Exam of course will not be released a license.Sometimes, t hey get underemployed or worse, unemployed although some still try to review and take again the next scheduled Board Exam. Those who failed after 2 CPA Board Examination will not be given chance to take again the exam, except if the registrant has proven that he has already taken and completed 24 units in the subjects included in the exam. This research aims to compare the differences between the board passers and non-passers in terms of benefits and privileges since every firm demands a passer and also a non-passer in their accounting department.We aim to understand and differentiate the two also because they have designated jobs in the society while other programs cannot have a job if they did not pass the board exam. The employment privileges is one of the reasons why accounting students take up this program, so if they did not pass the test, all their efforts in studying accountancy for five years will be wasted, right? Accountancy is one of the most challenging programs that ex ist. Those students who take up this program must have a high and clear knowledge of what the program really is.According to the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 1 of the Accounting Standards Council, â€Å"Accounting is a service activity. Its function is to provide quantitative information, primarily financial in nature, about economic entities, that is intended to be useful in economic decisions. † The above statement clearly tells us that accountancy is not just about money and manipulating it. Accounting is also useful in the economic aspect of every business firms and that every firm must have someone who specializes in the field of accountancy.It could help them solve problems that might arise in terms of financial and economic aspects. It would take a great deal of hard work and perseverance to master this program. However, a lot of students mostly underestimate the real meaning and purpose of this program. Students think that accountancy is all about basic addition and subtraction. In reality, accountancy is not just about memorization of formulas – it is about the analysis of the problem. There are also students who think that because of the high demand of accountancy graduates, the program is easy.We must always bear in mind that there is never an easy program for every student in the world to take. Some students perceive accountancy as having knowledge of how money works in people’s lives and in business firms. Globally, the use of money is quite a complicated task and that is what makes it interesting for people to learn. We become mesmerized by the amazing process of the manipulation of money in every business around the world, but money is simply not an easy job to learn – it is a complex system.We need to pay attention to its complex system and how it really works. According to the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants through its Committee on Accounting Terminology, â€Å"Accounti ng is the art of recording, classifying and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which are in part at least of a financial character, and interpreting the results thereof. † An accountant’s job is to record, classify, and summarize transactions of business firms and interpret its results to know how much the firm earns.They are also responsible for the flow of money in firms and where the money is used, for example in every international trips of the manager, in charities that they support, in payrolls, in projects that they conduct to improve their business, in their withdrawals, in their debts, in every liabilities that they acquire, etc. Every business firm in the world wants to earn more income and have lesser accounts payable. It is an accountant’s job to make sure that businesses do not acquire many debts but still, they need to gain more profit from people.Statement of the Problem This study aims to compare the Differences between CPA Board Passers and Non-Passers in Terms of Benefits and Privileges. Specifically it sought answers to the following questions: 1. What are the possible jobs of CPA board passers and non-passers? 2. What is the employment rate of the graduates? Significance of the Study The result of this study is a great help to the following personnel: College Students. This study helps the students taking up the program Accountancy because it can serve as their guideline on preparing themselves in Board Exams.Students will be encouraged to study and review harder. Graduates Who Passed The Board Exam. This study will help them know the benefits that they would acquire after passing the exam. Being a CPA, you have the ability to start your own business and have a great salary. There are lots of opportunities to those who passed the CPA Board Exam. Non-profit organizations are looking for the qualified CPA’s on their board. Graduates Who Failed To Pass The Board Exam. T his study will help them to be inspired to take again the board exam for the second time, and make sure that they will pass.It can also help them to be prepared in taking up the board exam. Teachers And Professors. This study can help them prepare themselves to teach the future accountants. They will focus on their teaching qualities. Future Researchers. The result of this study can be a benefit to other researchers who will conduct a study related to this comparative research. Scope and Delimitation This study aims to compare the differences between CPA Board passers and Non-passers in terms of Benefits and Privileges. The study will be conducted at Our Lady of Fatima University Antipolo City during the S.Y. 2013-2014.The school is located at Km. 23 Sumulong Highway Brgy. Sta Cruz, Antipolo City. The respondents of this study are random Accountancy Graduates in the Philippines who have taken up the board exam. This study utilized the comparative method in order to find out the outp ut that will serve as a guideline to all students who are planning to take the board exam. However, the study limits only to those respondents who are in this profession in order to determine the differences between board passers and non-passers. Materials and MethodsThis research utilizes a comparative method since it aims to compare and know the difference between board passers and non-passers. This method is defined as a method of investigation based on comparison between two objects or problems. Information in this study came from various materials such as books, articles, and online resources. Aside from that, we also consulted people who have already an experience working in the field of accountancy. Definition of Terms The following terms are conceptually and operationally defined for common point of understanding and for guidance of the readers.Program – It refers to the course taken up in a university or college Underemployed – It refers to people who graduate d with a specific degree but is not working under their field of profession Unemployed – It refers to people who graduated but do not have a job Money – It is an instrument used by people to transact with one another; it has a value depending on the amount Benefits – Things or objects that you get for doing or acquiring a certain thing that is assigned to you Sex – It refers to the gender, whether the person is a male or female Passing rate – It refers to the percentage of the people who passed the exam Employment rate – It refers to the percentage of the people who are employed in this field

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Practice Midterm Exam (Statistics)

AMS572. 01 Practice Midterm Exam Fall, 2007 Instructions: This is a close book exam. Anyone who cheats in the exam shall receive a grade of F. Please provide complete solutions for full credit. Good luck! 1 (for all students in class). In a study of hypnotic suggestion, 5 male volunteers participated in a two-phase experimental session. In the first phase, respiration was measured while the subject was awake and at rest. In the second phase, the subject was told to imagine that he was performing muscular work, and respiration was measured again. Hypnosis was induced between the first and second phases; thus, the suggestion to imagine muscular work was â€Å"hypnotic suggestion† for these subjects. The accompanying table shows the measurements of total ventilation (liters of air per minute per square meter of body area) for all 5 subjects. Experimental Group | |Subject |Rest |Work | |1 |6 |6 | |2 |7 |9 | |3 |8 |9 | |4 |7 |10 | |5 |6 |7 | (1) Use suitable test to investigate whether there is any difference between the two experimental phases in terms of total ventilation. Please state the assumption(s) of the test and report the p-value. At the significance level of 0. 05, what is your conclusion? (2) Please write up the entire SAS program necessary to answer questions raised in (a). Please include the data step as well as tests for testing for various assumptions. Solution: (1) Assume that the difference [pic]is normal. [pic] and [pic] The hypotheses are [pic] v. s [pic]. The test statistic is [pic] Since [pic] and [pic], we can not reject [pic] at [pic]. [pic] (2) The SAS code is as follows: data hypnosis; input subject rest work @@; iff=work-rest; datalines; 1 6 6 2 7 9 3 8 9 4 7 10 5 6 7 ; run; proc univariate data=hypnosis normal; var diff; run; 2 (for all students in class). John Pauzke, president of Cereals Unlimited, Inc. , wants to be very certain that the mean weight ? of packages satisfies the package label weight of 16 ounces. The packages are filled by a machine that is set to fill each package to a specified weight. However, the machine has random variability measured by ? 2. John would like to have strong evidence that the mean package weight is above 16 ounces. George Williams, quality control manager, advises him to examine a random sample of 25 packages of cereal. From his past experience, George knew that the weight of the cereal packages follows a normal distribution with standard deviation 0. 4 ounce. At the significance level ? =. 05, (1) What is the decision rule (rejection region) in terms of the sample mean [pic]? Please derive the general formula using the concept of Type I error rate. (2) What is the power of the test when ? =16. 2 ounces? Please derive the general formula for power calculation first. 3) What is the sample size necessary to ensure a power of 80% when ? =16. 2 ounces? Please derive the general formula for sample size calculation based on the Type I and II error rates first. Solution: (1) [pic] [pic]. [pic]. [pic]. [pic] Hence, the rejection region is [pic]. (2) [pic] [pic] (3) [pic] [pic][pic]. [pic] Hence, about 25 packages of cereal should be sampled to achieve a power of 80% when (=16. 2 ounces. 3a (for all exc ept AMS PhD students). Inference on one population mean when the population is normal, and the population variance is known. Let [pic], be a random sample from the given normal population. Please prove that 1) [pic]. 2) [pic]. Solution: (1) [pic] Thus, [pic] (2) [pic] Thus, [pic] 3b (for AMS PhD students ONLY). For a random sample from any population for which the mean and variance exist. Please prove that 1) The sample mean and sample variance are unbiased estimators of the population mean and variance respectively. 2) When the population is normal, we have learned that the sample mean and the sample variance, are indeed, independent. Please prove this for n = 2. That is, for a random sample of size 2 only. Solution: (1) [pic] [pic] (2) When n=2, [pic], [pic] If we can show that [pic] and [pic] are independent, then [pic]and [pic]are independent. This can be done easily using the mgf technique: [pic] 4 (extra credit for all). An expert witness in a paternity suit testifies that the length (in days) of pregnancy (that is, the time from impregnation to the delivery of the child) is approximately normally distributed with parameter [pic] and [pic]. The defendant in the suit is able to prove that he was out of the country during a period that began 290 days before the birth of the child and ended 240 days before the birth. If the defendant was, in fact, the father of the child, what is the probability that the mother could have had the very long or very short pregnancy indicated by the testimony? Solution:let [pic]~[pic] and [pic]~[pic] [pic](the woman had a very long or very short pregnancy) [pic] [pic] Happy Halloween!

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Animal Testing essays

Animal Testing essays Traditionally, animals have been used to ensure the safety of our consumer products and drugs. Yet around the world, scientists, regulators and animal protectionists work together to develop alternatives to their use. The use of animals in the life sciences dates back to ancient Greece and the earliest medical experiments. To learn about swallowing, physicians cut open into the throat of a living pig. To study the beating heart, they cut open into its chest. For centuries physicians and researchers used animals to enhance their knowledge about how the various organs and systems of the body functioned, as well as to hone their surgical skills. As long as animals have been used in experiments, people have expressed concerns about such research. Questions about the morality, necessity, and scientific validity of animal experiments have arisen since those ancient physicians first began to study bodily functions. Alternatives are methods, which refine existing tests by minimizing a! nimal distress, reduce the number of animals necessary for an experiment or replace whole animal use with vitro or other tests. While vivisection has received more attention and funding, clinical and epidemiological (studying the natural course of disease within human population) studies have had a much more profound impact on human health. In fact, clinical and epidemiological evidence linking smoking to lung cancer was established long before warnings of the dangers of smoking were released to the general public. Because animal experimentation failed to each the same conclusion, warning labels on cigarettes were delayed for years! During this time hundreds of people died from lung cancer because the results of animal experimentation were considered more valid than studies of human patients. Animal based research is the science of the past. There are a number of alternatives available to modern researchers, which are less expensive, more reliable, and ethica...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

6 Problems with Punctuation

6 Problems with Punctuation 6 Problems with Punctuation 6 Problems with Punctuation By Mark Nichol Six categories of punctuation errors include missing, extraneous, misplaced, excessive, incorrect, and inconsistent punctuation. Each of the following sentences illustrate one of those errors in that order, accompanied by discussion and revision. 1. One man jumped on a police car, leaving its front and rear windows smashed and the top dented in and other protesters sprayed graffiti on another law enforcement vehicle. The description of the effects of the man’s actions constitute a parenthetical phrase inserted into the main clause, which is â€Å"One man jumped on a police car, and other protesters sprayed graffiti on another law enforcement vehicle.† The parenthesis requires punctuation at the end as well as at the beginning: â€Å"One man jumped on a police car, leaving its front and rear windows smashed and the top dented in, and other protesters sprayed graffiti on another law enforcement vehicle.† 2. Security-monitoring techniques, that highlight potential incidents and enable a real-time response from the organization, are becoming increasingly important. The phrase located between the commas is not parenthetical; it is essential to the meaning of the sentence in describing exactly which type of security monitoring techniques are being discussed, so no punctuation should interfere: â€Å"Security-monitoring techniques that highlight potential incidents and enable a real-time response from the organization are becoming increasingly important.† (If all security-monitoring characteristics had these capabilities, then that phrase would be a parenthetical one that provides additional information to the sentence, but that would have to be replaced by which to signal that nonessential information follows: â€Å"Security-monitoring techniques, which highlight potential incidents and enable a real-time response from the organization, are becoming increasingly important.†) 3. Quarterback Peyton Manning threw for 290 yards and a touchdown, and perhaps more importantly, was not sacked all day. No comma is required after touchdown, because what follows is not an independent clause. However, â€Å"perhaps more importantly† is a parenthetical phrase, so a comma should precede it: â€Å"Quarterback Peyton Manning threw for 290 yards and a touchdown and, perhaps more importantly, was not sacked all day.† 4. Style comes from the characteristics that make one garment- a piece of clothing- or accessory- a nonessential item that you wear or carry- different from another. Too many instances of the same punctuation mark can confuse the reader because the sentence does not provide distinctive cues about its organization and the hierarchy of information presented. If a sentence has more than one parenthetical phrase (in this case, the definitions of garment and accessory), open and closed parentheses, which face each other and more obviously set off what appears between them, should supplant dashes or commas: â€Å"Style comes from the characteristics that make one garment (a piece of clothing) or accessory (a nonessential item that you wear or carry) different from another.† (Note that using commas in place of dashes is not an improvement, because the sentence organization is still confusing: â€Å"Style comes from the characteristics that make one garment, or piece of clothing, or accessory, or nonessential item that you wear or carry, different from another.†) 5. I’ve been there before, I found it overrated. Here a semicolon, rather than a comma, is required, because the sentence consists of two independent clauses: â€Å"I’ve been there before; I think it’s overrated.† (Alternatively, the sentence could be divided into two separate sentences, or a conjunction could replace the punctuation: â€Å"I’ve been there before, but I think it’s overrated.†) 6. Last year, a man agreed to give up his $6,000 drone system and promise not to fly a drone for three years. . . . Last month the FAA announced there are now more registered drone operators in the United States than there are registered manned aircraft. If one short introductory phrase is followed by punctuation, any similar construction within a piece of writing should adhere to this style: â€Å"Last year, a man agreed to give up his $6,000 drone system and promise not to fly a drone for three years. . . . Last month, the FAA announced there are now more registered drone operators in the United States than there are registered manned aircraft.† The same rule applies for any other style, such as how a list is punctuated; if one list is punctuated, for example, â€Å"lock, stock, and barrel,† another should not be styled, for example, â€Å"rock, paper and scissors.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Homograph Examples34 Writing Tips That Will Make You a Better WriterHow to Send Tactful Emails from a Technical Support Desk

Sunday, November 3, 2019

GRNS403 Grains Industry Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

GRNS403 Grains Industry Systems - Essay Example proving, grain production is still dominated by a group of same area farming activities while deregulation in 2008, grain selling, sales and exportation sectors have undergone major restructuring. The resources demanding nature of infrastructure facilitating storing, transportation and exportation shows that by few key players (Kirsten, Lorna, Paolo, Andrew & Alberta Velimirov 2005) Commencing from the garden to make wheat flour, wheat is changed into a shelf-stable product through processing. The complex series of steps, which is both time-tested and highly scientific, starts the process that the grain is harvested and taken to a processing machine. Through nowadays technology and processing process, the individual kernels are kept, sorted, cleaned, ground, bleached, enriched and or equipped before being stored awaiting distribution. Once is done, the end product is used is to make variety of foods, including breads, pasta and pastries (Bonjean & Angus 2001). Before wheat processing commences, it has a sometimes-long procedures from the field to processing plant. It is harvested from the farm in covered trucks or rails motors. In some cases it travels adversely distances; in other cases, from one geographical area to another. When it reaches destination it is inspected and sampled water content, test mass, unfit kernels and far-off material. Based on the outcome from the tests, it is resolute how the wheat is treated, handled and kept until processing. After this, wheat is transported to silos for safekeeping, where warmth and water content control keep it fresh until the time of manufacturing (Kirsten, Lorna, Paolo, Andrew & Alberta Velimirov 2005) `The grain starts the processing procedure by entering the set of machines that clean it (cleaning house). This process involves as many as 6 steps and involves removing foreign matter that may be present in the wheat as well as processing it ready for processing. This process uses a magnetic separator, aspirator