Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Managing conflicts assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Managing conflicts assessment - Essay Example When conflict occurs finding a resolution is imperative because conflict can disrupt the work environment of an organization. Five recognized techniques that line managers can utilize to resolve conflict are accommodation, collaboration, compromise, avoidance, and authoritative command. Accommodation involves playing down the differences and finding areas of agreement among the parties. Collaboration allows the parties to recognize that something is wrong and the problem needs immediate attention. The underlying problem is the root of the conflict. A compromise is a good method to find a resolution because each party gives up something of value to the other in order to end the conflict. Avoidance pretends that the problem does not exist. The assumption is that the problem will play itself down through time. Authoritative command uses formal authority to end the conflict. As a manager I would create harmony at work and engender a positive atmosphere by focusing on building a strong corporate culture. The corporate culture of the company should bring the employees closer to each other. A second technique that I would use to build a better workplace is by empowering my employees. Employees that feel they are valued by their supervisors are more likely to achieve job satisfaction. A third technique I would use to create harmony is

Monday, February 3, 2020

Management of depression for David Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Management of depression for David - Essay Example Further it will help him undertake measures to help in rehabilitating his father who is an alcoholic so that he can reform and shun his drinking habits. (Veronica, 2001) The purpose of the appraisal is to help David understand that his predicament can be over and he can be able to get through the tough times he is undergoing. It will also assist David in appreciating himself, accepting his current situations hence taking appropriate measurer to help solve them, assist him in understanding that sharing his problems with others is a healthy more which he should adopt by sharing his worries with some one he can trust, balance work and recreation, avoid reliance on things such as drugs and alcohol, accept his duties of care giving and parenting alone and help him manage his time effectively. Gough, N. (1992) Defines Enquiry based learning as a learner-centered approach that puts more emphasizes on higher order thinking skills. This occurs in several ways which assist the students to gain academic independence when it comes to self study. Some of them are problem solving, discovery methods, critical and creative activities e.t.c. all these takes place in the entire community including the classroom level. The learners are expected to arrive at solid conclusions regarding the self processed data on the question under discussion since the study is entirely self-centered. This is usually done in groups. For example, a group of fifteen students can gang up to discuss very practical oriented scenarios for instance they can discuss ways to help intellectually challenged students who are there in the society, they can also take a case of wife beating research on it and arrive at possible solution to the said vice, they can also take an individual in their midst research on drug abuse and arrive at comprehensive findings e.t.c. In our case we shall organize the fifteen of us(students) hold a small meeting whereby we will table the whole scenario of David so that it can be discussed amongst ourselves through personal research and own contributions. This will be a full research incorporating the collection of all the best research materials interpreting them and finally coming up with quality researched work. Our learning issues will basically dwell on the issues affecting the troubled David as to our scenario. Every member of our group is supposed to investigate matters in the scenario by fully researching on it after which we shall hold another discussion session and compare our researched work and later combine it for reliable results. To get the required resources Students will visit well stocked libraries which offer all sorts of learning books, journals, magazines, internet facilities among others. Enquiry based learning process is used to help the learners in developing relevant skills on how to successfully handle issues in their future, it helps them assess various scenarios, research on them thereby by acquiring vast knowledge to tackle such matters which counts greatly in their overall cognitive development. In the above case the process will help us to go through the clinical and theoretical measures on how to